Membership in PRF is open to independent scholars in the Princeton area and beyond. Applicants typically possess advanced degrees in one or more academic disciplines or have demonstrated their scholarship by publishing books, articles, and other creative work based on original research. Members are committed to the advancement of knowledge.
All members of NCIS and its affiliates are considered honorary members of PRF and are welcome to attend PRF events.
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PRF Newsletter includes articles by and about members, news of their scholarly activities, conference participation, publications, awards, work-in-progress sessions, and more.
Announcements of grants, conferences, scholarly resources, and opportunities for research and publication.
Members are eligible for small grants offered by PRF to offset travel expenses to present scholarly work at conferences. As a 501 (c)3 non-profit, PRF can receive and administer grants on behalf of its members for their research projects.
Members pay minimal annual dues with individual, dual and lifetime membership options.
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Membership Chair
Princeton Research Forum
P.O. Box 264
Kingston, NJ 08528-0264